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Who We Are

DIS Appliance Co. personnel have over 35 years experience in aircraft avionics and simulation (both commercial and military).


Our primary focus is on Distributed  Interactive Simulation (DIS) Networking primarily used in military simulation.  DIS is a protocol standard allowing multiple simulators the capability to "talk" to each other.


Our flagship product, the DIS Protocol Analyzer, was initially developed as a test tool that was being used to test a software that we were developing as a joint-venture with another company.  When demonstrating our software for this project, we were asked "What is that software that you are using? It's incredible!"  From there, features were added that we felt would make it an easy to use debug tool.  These features were identified from our years of experience working with DIS interfaces and items that we always wish that we had to make debugging problems on the DIS network much simpler. 


We also provide contracted DIS consulting services for debugging/troubleshooting problems on the network as well as services for monitoring participants in a DIS exercise to ensure that they adhere to the standards set forth in IEEE 1278 standard including the upcoming standard for DIS 8


In addition,  we have several DIS products on the drawing board that will revolutionize the way companies work with DIS.

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Evaluation Copies Distributed at I/ITSEC 2023.

For those who received evaluation copies of the DIS Protocol Analyzer at I/ITSEC 2023 in Orlando, FL, please be advised that there has been a report of difficulty installing on a machine.  Originally it was thought that this was due to it being a Windows 11 machine.  We have now tested this on a Windows 11 machine and so far, it has installed and tested properly.  The license provided allows you to install and run it on that same machine.  It does not allow you to install and remote desktop into that machine.  If you encounter any problems during the installation, please contact us at


What We Do

Specializing in real-time simulation, our vast experience in the field allows us to offer a variety of engineering services related to simulation. 


From this experience we have developed out flagship product, the DIS Protocol Analyzer which allows the user with an in-depth view into their DIS network in order to troubleshoot problems in a fraction of the time of using traditional debugging methods saving a great deal of time and the costs assosicated with this time.  Additionally, this tool identifies problems, in many cases, before you even knew that you had a problem.

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"The best way to predict the future is to create it"

Abraham Lincoln

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