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DIS Appliance Co. one of the top finishers in the LVC Interoperability Configuration Management Tool Challenge

DIS Appliance Co. recently competed in the Joint Live, Virtual, Constructive (LVC) Interoperability Configuration Management Tool Challenge which was hosted by the Central Florida Tech Grove.  The objective of the challenge was to develop initial prototypes of solutions that automate the process of assessing initial configuration settings of the training systems and components intended to be used in a Distributed Mission Training (DMT) exercise.


DIS Appliance Co. placed 2nd in the competition implementing a tool using a Multicast UDP port for the Federates to report their status before connecting to the Federation and identifying parameters that do not match what was identified in the exercise agreement to quickly identify problems in joining the Federation.  The tool was incorporated into the DIS Protocol Analyzer which already has the capability for entering the exercise agreement parameters.


The capabilities added as part of this challenge increase the powerful capabilities of our the Protocol Analyzer which provides users an easy to use GUI to monitor the network and quickly identify problems on the network.  It has the ability to find problems in real-time that previously could take weeks to find using traditional troubleshooting methods.

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