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Helping our customers prepare for DIS 8

As we have stated, DIS 8 is going to shake-up the world because it the protocol is being drastically changed. In analyzing the new protocol, we feel that applications receiving DIS 8 packets will either ignore the packet or crash (depending on how you are handling error checking)! There are two ways that you can test your software to see what your software will do.

1) You can generate an exercise with DIS 8 data. The biggest problem with this method is that it will take a great deal of time to create this exercise. Added to this will be the effort to validate that the data that you are transmitting is correct. This is going to be VERY time consuming.

2) Playback an exercise that already contains DIS 8 packets. This data would also be verified to be correct DIS 8 packets. This option would save you a great deal of time and heartache in knowing that this data is correct.

While the new DIS 8 specification is still in the process of being defined, DIS Appliance Co. has the capability to generate DIS 8 packets to the preliminary specifications. If these specifications change, we can quickly adapt to any changes very quickly (i.e. in less than a day).

Very soon (we are in the process of testing the data), we will make available, to our customers, recordings of DIS 8 exercises for testing your software. The recordings will be based off of existing unclassified exercises with the data being translated to DIS 8. This will allow our customer to be ready for DIS 8 in the quickest way possible.

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